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My Portfolio: Overhauling Was The Digital Refresh I Needed
Thinking through, who I was professionally took years to ideate. At the core, what was my focus? Was it SEO? What about Content? What even is content? Is content copy? Can I list that when I haven’t been paid to write since college?
Why I Must Capitalize All Hashtags on Social Media
At the end of the day, including caps has no technical bearing on how much exposure my posts get on any platform: Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn don’t care about caps. So why do I use them? Because English-speakers can read them easily.
Contemplating Medium: Evolving Stances On Freemium Publishing And Portfolio Building
Updated 12/9/20. Content updates in Italics to reflect updated thoughts on Medium. I recognize that I’ve been absent in my blog maintenance, so for the 3 people who have checked in (well, a random 52 person spike in May, despite no posts), my apologies. I won’t bore you with 52-55 hour work weeks (with…